Reliance Home Health Care is proud to offer a Vestibular Rehabilitation and Balance Program for patients with dizziness and imbalance symptoms in the home setting.
Vestibular Rehabilitation is an exercise treatment program that should decrease dizziness and improve symptoms that may contribute to a loss of balance. Reliance offers a certified trained physical therapist who conducts a comprehensive evaluation and then designs a specific, individualized exercise treatment program to improve the vestibular and imbalance problems.
Goals of vestibular rehabilitation are:
Decrease dizziness
Improve balance and safety
Increase activity levels, and
Improve overall general physical condition of each patient
Some vestibular disorders may improve in as little as a few weeks, while others may take several months to improve depending on the diagnosis. Some symptoms may decrease but may not be eliminated. The goal of vestibular physical therapy is to return our client to the optimal level of function in daily activities. Patients can lesson their symptoms by practicing their prescribed exercises at home everyday. By regularly doing exercises learned in physical therapy, a patient’s central nervous system begins to compensate or adapt. The physical therapist conducts visits as outlined in the physical therapy plan of care for your patient and continues to reassess symptoms.
Reliance Home Health Physical Therapy services include:
- Comprehensive Evaluation
- Home Safety/Fall Prevention Program
- Transfer and Gait Training
- Therapeutic Exercises
- Gaze Stabilization
- Postural Control
- Perception of Motion
- Habituation
- Strengthening
- Flexibility
- General Aerobic Conditioning
- Balance Training
- Canalith Repositioning Procedures